AQAS recently conducted two digital site visits at Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia (UPI) as part of an international accreditation procedure. UPI applied for accreditation of its programmes in vocational teacher education and language teacher education based on the European Standards and Guidelines for Quality Assurance. The panel of experts, composed of international reviewers from the academic field as well as student and labour market representatives, experienced a congenial atmosphere and engaged in professional and in-depth discussions with the university.
This is not the first collaboration with UPI which has become a member institution of AQAS in 2020. UPI has already received international accreditation by AQAS of programmes in Management and Geography Teacher Education. AQAS is delighted to welcome UPI as a further international member. As Professor Menzel, Head of the Management Board, emphasized: “AQAS is excited to welcome a member institution from Southeast Asia with which the agency has cooperated well in the past on the enhancement of quality in education. We look forward to our further collaboration”.
AQAS hopes to celebrate the membership in an appropriate ceremony with UPI in the future.